intrinsic valueThat inarguable value you possess as a precious human - a value you cannot earn or lose. This value simply exists.  Imagine if you accepted and allowed this value, giving it room to grow and expand...














​      Individuals and couples seek my help with:


Relationship Struggles           


Self Esteem Issues        


Feeling stuck          


Self Defeating Thoughts & Behavioral Patterns - rewiring your previous conditioning in the present moment


Depressive Feelings




Life Transitions




Developing Mindfulness / Distress Tolerance Skills / 
Emotion Regulation


Learning how to guide yourself with heartfelt inquiry



Adult children of Narcissistic, Sociopathic​ or other personality disordered, abusive parents

Career-related Struggles

Creativity Blocks

(including developmental and relational trauma)


Divorce / Break-ups


Support for divorced individuals choosing 'Parallel Parenting' 

(vs. 'coparenting') with high conflict ex spouses


Pregnancy-related issues, including Prental Depression


Complexities related to adjusting to new baby 


Coping with a 'Spirited' baby


Postpartum Suffering (Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, OCD)

LGBT Affirming therapy  (including coming out as sexually fluid, gay, bisexual / Coming out 'late in life')


Emotional Eating / Eating Disorders / Body Dysmorphic Disorder/  Chronic Dieting


J  e n  n  i  f  e  r   M  u  r  d  o  c  c  a,   MA, MFT #45017

​Licensed Pasadena Psychotherapist - ​Los Angeles